Increase in the noise in the atmosphere is called noise pollution or sound pollution. Noise is a loud and unwanted or unpleasant sound. The common things which are responsible for noise pollution are - industries and mills,means of transportation, television stereo, loud speaker and jet plant etc.
Intensity :- The intensity of sound is measured in bel or decibel ( 1 bel = 10 decibel). Normally at 25 decibel,
the atmosphere may be peaceful. Above 80 decibel intensity of sound is called noise pollution.
Note : In India, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act came into force in 1981, but was amended
in 1987 to include noise as an air pollutant.
A brief exposure to extremely high sound level, 150 dB or more generated by take off of a jet plane or rocket,may damage ear drums thus permanently impairing hearing ability. Even chronic exposure to a relatively lowernoise level of cities may permanently damage hearing abilities of humans. Noise also causes sleeplessness,increased heart beating, altered breathing pattern, thus considerably stressing humans.
Note : Reduction of noise in our industries can be affected by use of sound absorbent material or by muffling noise.
Green muflur scheme. Tree such as neem and ashoka absorb sound to a great extent, along road side.
CNG (compressed natural gas) :-
In the 1990s, Delhi ranked fourth among the 41 most polluted cities of the world.
All the buses of Delhi were converted to run on CNG by the end of 2002.
CNG is the better than diesel because CNG burn most efficiently as compare to diesel or petrol in the automobiles and very little of it is left unbrunt. CNG is cheaper than petrol or diesel.
3. MIC (Methyl Isocyanate) was released in Bhopal gas tragedy on 3rd December 1984. Which is used in the production of "Savin" insecticide in Union Carbide.
4. Tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead are formed by combustion of petroleum. They are known to hamper haemoglobin formation.
The disease produced by use of lead polluted water is called as plumbism.
Lead causes nervousness anaemia in human beings. It also damages kidney.
Lead concentration in blood is considered alarming if it is 10 ug/100 ml.
5. Common dust disease is known as Pneumoconiosis.
* Disease due to cotton dust in textile workers is - Lung fibrosis or Byssinosis
* Disease due to coal dust - Anthracosis
.* Disease due to asbestos dust - Asbestosis
* In stone grinders disease due to sillica dust - Sillicosis
* In Iron mill disease due to iron dust - Siderosis
* Cadmium causes anaemia, hypertension, damage to liver and kidneys. In Japan it caused bone softening or skeleton deformitcis called Itai-Itai disease or Ouch-Ouch
6. Stone leprosy is caused due to acid rain because due to acid rain outer surface of metals, marbles, and stone destroyed.
7. Blue Baby disease :- This disease is caused by the high amount of nitrate in water. It is also known as methaemoglobinaemia or cyanosis.
8. Hypertension and Uremia - Caused by Copper
9. Arsenic :- It causes black-foot disease and poisoning in fodder plants which are eaten by live stock and causes their death.
10. Fluorides - The higher concentration of fluorides causes chlorosis or necrosis in tips and margin of leaf (leal lamina). The compounds of fluorine reach in the animals through the fodder and causes abnormal calcification of teeth, this is called Fluorosis.
Note: The experts hold that the maximum level of fluoride which the human body can tolerate is 1.5( parts per million ppm). When ingested in excess over a long period of time causes "Fluorosis".
11. ELNino effect - It is the process in which water of Pacific ocean get warm, in this process warm water curren flows to equator & peru in between 5 to 8 year at christmas time. Effect of ELNino is flood, drought and monsoon damage in India. On the other hand when cold water comes in effect in pacific ocean it is called La-Nina effect.
12. Major pollutant in Jet Plane emission is CFC.
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