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Showing posts from February, 2021

Nutrient cycle in environment

  BIO-GEO CHEMICAL CYCLE OR NUTRIENT CYCLE       Bio  -    Living organism       Geo  -    Rock, Soil, Air, Water Chemical   -  Material or Nutrients        Cycle   -   Path All the types of material required by ecosystem in addition of energy, are available continuously to system through recycling. Thus there is a constant exchange of materials between the living organism and their abiotic environment through the recyling of materials. This phenomenon is called Bio-geo chemical cycle. Note: Environment factors,e.g soil , moisture, ph, temperature etc, regulate the release of nutrients into the atmosphere. Biochemical cycle The following types of cycle are found in an ecosystem. (i) Gaseous Cycle - C, H, N. O cycles. Reservoir is in the atmosphere (air) or in Hydrosphere(water). Sedimentary cycle - P. S, Ca cycles reservoirs are in earth's crust (lithosphere). Note : In these cycles, the bulk material remains in the inactive reservoir on earth crust like sediment of sea, or water

Nutrient cycle in environment

  BIO-GEO CHEMICAL CYCLE OR NUTRIENT CYCLE       Bio  -    Living organism       Geo  -    Rock, Soil, Air, Water Chemical   -  Material or Nutrients        Cycle   -   Path All the types of material required by ecosystem in addition of energy, are available continuously to system through recycling. Thus there is a constant exchange of materials between the living organism and their abiotic environment through the recyling of materials. This phenomenon is called Bio-geo chemical cycle. Note: Environment factors,e.g soil , moisture, ph, temperature etc, regulate the release of nutrients into the atmosphere. Biochemical cycle The following types of cycle are found in an ecosystem. (i) Gaseous Cycle - C, H, N. O cycles. Reservoir is in the atmosphere (air) or in Hydrosphere(water). Sedimentary cycle - P. S, Ca cycles reservoirs are in earth's crust (lithosphere). Note : In these cycles, the bulk material remains in the inactive reservoir on earth crust like sediment of sea, or water


            SOUND POLLUTION Increase in the noise in the atmosphere is called noise pollution or sound pollution. Noise is a loud and unwanted or unpleasant sound. The common things which are responsible for noise pollution are - industries and mills,means of transportation, television stereo, loud speaker and jet plant etc. Intensity :- The intensity of sound is measured in bel or decibel ( 1 bel = 10 decibel). Normally at 25 decibel, the atmosphere may be peaceful. Above 80 decibel intensity of sound is called noise pollution. Note : In India, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act came into force in 1981 , but was amended in 1987 to include noise as an air pollutant. A brief exposure to extremely high sound level, 150 dB or more generated by take off of a jet plane or rocket,may damage ear drums thus permanently impairing hearing ability. Even chronic exposure to a relatively lowernoise level of cities may permanently damage hearing abilities of humans. Noise also caus